Advance Design is a complete solution for the analysis of complex structures by the finite elements method. It provides a wide range of functions specialized in advanced CAD modeling, meshing, calculation, expert design and results post-processing. Advance Design provides tools for the plan and 3D structure modeling, loading generation, structure meshing, model calculation, verification and optimization of reinforced concrete and steelwork constructions by the chosen regulations, and results post-processing. You may generate afterwards high quality report notes.
- Namespace
- Inheritance
- Interfaces and abstract classes
- Trials
- Class reflection
- Inheritance scope and late binding
- Inheritance scope and late binding
- Iterators
- Interfaces
- Reading and writing XML
- Xpath
- JSON encoding and decoding
- Web servers &API’s
- Anonymous functions landscapes
- Datetime and timezones
- Regular expressions
- Server side opcode caching
- Server side caching schemas and types
- Browser side performance